Monday, May 27, 2013

Candy of the week

I usually never have a sweet tooth, more of a salt tooth girl myself, but candy from distant lands deeply mystify me. 

This candy cost less than $2 at an Asian market in Brooklyn. It tastes like tootsie roll! 

Product of Japan. 
According to Wikipedia, this is Dutch from Coenradd Johannes van Houten of 1801. At one point the Dutch were the only people the Japanese traded with, for over two centuries. They even have a word for "Dutch learning". In Sakura, Japan there is a windmill built in the Netherlands and reassembled on the shore the Dutch first landed on in 1600. 

Panna cotta with Tate's chocolate chip cookies

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Brooklyn Museum

Doesn't this remind you of phoebe's art from friends?

Winter in New York is the best!

Hester street before I landed 

John Sargent's watercolor! So beautiful how he does the reflection of the water

Italy design post world war 2, totally reminds me of Clockwork Orange

John D Rockefeller's The Moorish House. Beautiful! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Things I like this week

Seeing new shades of colors
Weekender bags
Planning travel plans
Going through with travel plans

Saturday, May 18, 2013

This week

Washington square park

Harriet the cat of the house of Shakespeare and co

Press lounge

The barrel. So good
